Did You Know...? Our Electoral College System: A voter's choice, or a game of chance?
· No U.S. President has ever been elected by popular vote. · No U.S. citizen has ever voted directly for President or Vice President. · A voter cannot vote separately for President and/or Vice President. Both candidates must be of the same party. The voter votes for an Elector not a candidate or a Presidential ticket. · In 48 states plus the District of Columbia votes for a losing candidate become votes for the winning candidate. · There are no federal laws requiring Electors to cast their votes according to the voters' instructions. · If no presidential candidate is elected on the first ballot, there is no second vote. Instead, members of Congress elect the President and Vice President. · With the current election methods, it is possible for the candidate with the MOST Electoral votes to lose the election. · It is mathematically possible, (though not probable), for a candidate to be elected President having received less than 30% of the popular vote. · With the
current election methods, the vote of an individual in one state, may
not be "worth as much" towards an Electoral Vote as an individual's
vote in another state. With all the twists, turns, complications etc. of the
electoral college, we decided to write a booklet. Its called: "A
Guide To ELECTING OUR PRESIDENT The Electoral College: Its History,
Its Problems. Our Solution" The booklet contains over fourty interesting
pages related to the electoral college, including its history, and purpose.
It is available for purchase via download from Amizon's Mobi Pocket,
or you can purchase a printed copy.
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